Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To Be Successful - You have to show up

To Be Successful, You Have to Show Up
One of the biggest reasons people have problems succeeding in life is they don’t show up. You can’t complain about a party, if you didn’t even go. They get an invitation every day to this party, but instead of showing up, they complain from afar on how they’ll never be able to go.
Success is what happens when you stumble on an opportunity, and your 100% there to catch it. Floundering through life, never really showing up, is a sure-fire way to stay trapped in the doldrums of an unfulfilling life. Making a half-assed attempt at really living, returns half-assed results.
You have a unique gift and genius that not one of the other 6 billion people on the planet have. You are here to contribute that gift, and in doing so, you get unimaginable returns.
Make a deal with yourself to show up more…
Show up with your tools - begin using your gifts at least a small amount each day. It’s incredibly empowering.
Show up with your energy - put 100% of your effort in everything you do for one day and see what kind of results you get.
Show up with your words - try using only positive words for one day and complement others.
Show up with your blinders on - for one day, let the dumb mistakes of others go unseen.
Show up with your pallet - eat only good food, anything you want for one day, registered dieticians and killjoys be damned.
Show up with a gift - give a small token gift to someone you know for no reason.
Sure, these might be hokey, but so what? If it’s not your style, show up some other way. Just stop letting the invitation go unanswered while complaining that you never get invited anywhere. Show up today, in your own way, and join the party of life.
How will you show up today…?

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Denise tagged me, and it took me forever to get around to writing this...
Once you’ve been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself.
1. At night, when I get up to go to the bathroom. I always look out my bathroom window and think that some alien or monster or ax murder is about to slam into the window and try to get me. So I pull the shower curtain closed so I can’t see out the window and scare the sh*t out of myself.
2. I talk to the squirrels in my yard. I yell at them because I know they eat my flowers. Yesterday, I saw one stealing the insulation from under my house to go build him a little nest. It looked like he had a big piece of cotton candy in his mouth.
3. I make up a different name for Mike about 5 times a day. He doesn’t seem to mind. (Batman, Hooker, Pacman, Cooter Brown etc.)
4. I religiously read every Sunday. Feels taboo to read secrets.
5. I hate taking showers. If I lived in the mountains without another soul around to smell me, I would only bathe once a week instead of daily.
6. I pet all kinds of things. This week, I got to pet a frog in my backyard and a crawfish. Poor crawfish - he was just about to get cooked. I wanted to take him home and make him a pet, but I realized that I could not save the hundred plus crawfish in the cooler.
7. I once had a pet crawfish. Mom brought him home to me. Told me that he was the last one in the barrel at the seafood market. He had a good life and was released into the ditch in the back yard.
8. I love to garden, and I am always afraid to tell people that because it is an old people sport.
9. I secretly fear that people really don’t like me, but I don’t really care that they don’t like me. Did that make sense?
10. I have more skinny clothes than fat clothes and can’t figure out why I keep all of them hoping that I will wear them again one day. They are just taking up space.
(PS - 11. I ran this through the spell checker just so Denise couldn’t say I didn’t. hehe)